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Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas

About the Journal

J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas(formerly Sida, Contributions to Botany (“SCB”)) has been a source of current research in classical and modern systematic botany for readers throughout the world for 61 years. The journal publishes primary research papers in English and Spanish in fields such as anatomy, biogeography, chemotaxonomy, ecology, evolution, floristics, genetics, paleobotany, palynology, and phylogenetic systematics. Coverage is global: it is not restricted to any geographical area, and papers have been contributed from around the world. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas is published twice a year, usually with  250-350 pages per issue. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas currently has subscriptions on a worldwide basis; approximately 40% are foreign (about 35 countries) and 60% are domestic (USA).

Each issue contains articles on various groups of plants such as palms, ferns, lilies, irises, legumes, primroses, morning-glories, bromeliads, four-o’clocks, daisies, buttercups, roses, agaves, mustards, cacti, orchids, mints, wildflowers, and herbs. Papers appear in English or Spanish, with abstracts in both languages. Abstracts in additional languages, especially those of the area in which the research was conducted, are encouraged. All papers are peer-reviewed and are frequently illustrated with maps, line drawings, and full color photographs. Each issue also includes short communications on floristic discoveries, book reviews, and notices of new publications. Recent papers have included:

  • Supplemental notes on Bolivian Xyris (Xyridaceae)
  • Two new Bolivian species of Aulonemia (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae)
  • Two new Andean species of Solanum setion Crinitum (Solanaceae)
  • Transfer of Hedyotis intricata to Arcytophyllum (Rubiaceae)
  • Typifications of names in Agalinis, Gerardia, and Tomanthera (Orobanchaceae)
  • Paleocharis nearctica gen. and sp. nov (Cyperaceae) in Cretaceous Canadian amber
  • Mirandea grisea (Acanthaceae), new for Coahuila and Durango, Mexico
  • Scallopleaf sage (Salvia vaseyi: Lamiaceae) discovered in Arizona
  • Paspalum pubiflorum and P. quadrifarium (Poaceae) new to California, with a key and notes on invasive species
  • Additions to the vascular flora of New Mexico

An indication of the importance and relevance of J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas is that it is indexed and abstracted in print and/or electronic form by the following: AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library); Applied Botany Abstracts; Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS); Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS); ISI Thomson; The Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature; Natural Products Alert (NAPRALERT); Referativnyi Zhurnal (Abstracts Journal of the Institute of Scientific Information of the Republic of Russia); and SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Elsevier B.V. (SCOPUS); Index to American Botanical Literature.

We are pleased to announce an online access option starting with JBRIT 14(1). For 2020 only, your subscription will include an introductory and complimentary online access to upcoming issues 14(1 & 2) and back issues 13(1 & 2) and 12 (1 & 2). Please designate your subscription preference for print, online, or both. Visit for access and instructions to setup access.

If interested in submitting a manuscript to J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas, please review the scope and aims of the journal and guidelines for authors here.

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-Chief: Barney Lipscomb

East Texas Flora Project Manager and Assistant Editor: Robert George

Contributing Spanish Editor: Felix Llamas (Universidad of Leon, Spain)

Nomenclatural Advisor: Kanchi Gandhi (Harvard University, USA)

Editorial Advisory Board: Harold W. Keller (BRIT)

Editorial Advisory Board: Robert J. O’Kennon (BRIT)

Editorial Advisory Board: Richard Rabeler (MICH)

History of Sida, Contributions to Botany

The journal is named for Sida, a genus in the cotton family (Malvaceae). The name was chosen by Lloyd H. Shinners because it belongs to a plant group that is found around the world. The word sida may come from sid-, one of the Latin words for star.

Shinners began privately publishing Sida, Contributions to Botany in 1962. William F. Mahler, Director Emeritus of BRIT, inherited this journal in 1971 and continued publication through volume 15, 1992. Published by BRIT since 1993, the journal continues the twice-yearly, multiple topic format with Barney Lipscomb as Editor-in-Chief and Robert George as Assistant Editor. The journal title was changed to Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (commonly referred to as “JBRIT”) in 2007.

The SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) indicator “expresses the average number of weighted citations received in the selected year by the documents published in the selected journal in the three previous years, –i.e. weighted citations received in year X to documents published in the journal in years X-1, X-2 and X-3. (See detailed description of SJR.) “It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal; it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is. Cites per Doc. (2y) measures the scientific impact of an average article published in the journal; it is computed using the same formula as the journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters).

2019 SJR: 0.254 / 2019 Cites per Doc: 0.269 / Current H index: 22

SJR 2019
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Reader Comments

The readers of Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas and our Botanical Miscellany include those with an interest in botany, classical and modern taxonomy, horticulture, and plant ecology. Subscribers include professionals and keen amateurs, students, teachers, gardeners, researchers, field botanists, academic institutions, libraries, museums, nature centers, botanic gardens, arboreta, and various government agencies.

“I am really pleased to see that [it] is becoming the journal of choice for shorter more or less classical taxonomic work. I really enjoy receiving it.”
– Richard Spellenberg, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

“…continues to be the #1 botany journal.”
– Andy Clewell, Botanical Consultant, Quincy, Florida

“Put me down as one very satisfied subscriber and reader, and accept my congratulations on a very, very difficult job well done.”
– Neil A. Harriman, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

“…always has the best articles * a great journal.”
– James Henrickson, California State University, Los Angeles

“…one of the standard international journals for plant taxonomic research.”
– Theodore S. Cochrane, Herbarium, University of Wisconsin, Madison

“Beautiful production and the botany looks sound, too.”
– John Strother, University of California, Berkeley