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About BRIT Press

Progress in systematics depends upon access to and efficient retrieval of botanical information. Publishing, therefore, is an integral part of BRIT’s commitment to conserving our natural heritage. Our Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (issn 1934-5259) (formerly Sida, Contributions to Botany) and books (Botanical Miscellany, issn 0833-1475)—are a major part of this publishing commitment. Click here for our current comprehensive title list and order form.

Both journals provide a forum for plant scientists to disseminate information and knowledge gained by scientific inquiry. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas keeps you current with the latest classical and modern research, providing you with relevant and useful data. A brief video summary of the BRIT Press may be found here.


Originally, Sida, Contributions to Botany was founded by Lloyd H. Shinners in 1962. It was inherited by William F. Mahler in 1971, and since 1993, it has been published by BRIT in its twice-yearly, multiple-topic format. The name changed to Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas in 2007 with the first issue published 10 August 2007.

Press Endowment

In honor of his wife, Dr. Joe Hennen—BRIT research associate, professor emeritus of botany at Purdue University, and the world’s pre-eminent authority on the systematics and biogeography of the rust fungi—has established the Mary M. Hennen Scientific Publications Endowment to provide support to the future of BRIT’s scientific publication program. Joe and Mary (life-science librarian at Purdue University) have long recognized that publication of scientific botanical information is an integral part of conserving our natural heritage.

Every gift will make a difference for the future of the BRIT Press. There are many different ways to make a gift: use a credit card, give a check, stock, pledge, bequest, trust, memorials, employer/employee matching contributions, installments, etc. If you are interested in donating to the endowment please contact us. The BRIT Press seeks your support to ensure innovation and excellence in preparation, manufacture, and distribution of botanical research and scientific discoveries for the twenty-first century.

For more information about the BRIT Press or anyone interested in making a contribution to the Mary M. Hennen Scientific Publications Endowment—which supports BRIT Press—contact:

Barney Lipscomb
Botanical Research Institute of Texas
1700 University Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76107-3400, USA
Phone: (817) 332-7432
Fax: (817) 332-4112


Point of Contact

Barney Lipscomb

Director of BRIT Press and Library, Leonhardt Chair of Texas Botany

Phone: (817) 332-7432


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