Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme: Exploring the World of Herbs
For many people, herbs may conjure a mental image of an aisle at the grocery store and tiny bottles filled with dried flakes labeled “Rosemary,” “Oregano” and “Thyme.” But this is only one way to experience herbs. Certainly herbs can enhance your cooking, but they offer much more. “Herbs provide a lot of hope,” says Andrea Garcia, Fort Worth dietician and herb enthusiast. “They may not be able to fix everything, but they can ease things, make things better.”
Survival of the Heat-Tolerant: How Plants Cope with Hot, Dry Conditions
Our hot, dry summer continues, and humans aren’t the only ones struggling. Plants suffer, too–yet some thrive despite the persistent 100-degree-plus temperatures, even without supplemental water. What’s their secret?