7 Tips for Growing Roses in North Texas—Despite Rose Rosette Disease
We asked the Garden’s followers on social media what they wanted to know about roses in the era of rose rosette disease. Here’s what our horticulturists and experts in the field have to say.
Garden To Begin Major Renovations—Plus, How to Plan Your Own Garden Updates
This year, guests to the Botanic Garden will notice construction work underway as we embark on several major projects, thanks to the support of the City of Fort Worth and many generous donors. Read on for a rundown of what we have planned for 2022, plus tips on planning a new flower bed in your garden
Look to Winter-Blooming Shrubs to Bring Color to Your January Garden
Many people regard winter as a bleak and barren time in the garden. Deciduous trees have lost their leaves, perennials have died back and the garden has entered its period of rest. Such a setting, however, provides the perfect foil for the “gems of winter”—those shrubs that put forth their blossoms in January and February and enliven the winter landscape with beauty.