The Global Genome Initiative for Gardens

Natural history collections play an increasingly vital role in biodiversity studies. Much of the research that leverages these collections combines this accumulated diversity knowledge with genomic approaches. There is a movement toward improved collection practices that incorporate resources that can be used in genomics research. As a result, partnerships such as the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) and Global Genome Initiative (GGI) are emerging to unite these innovative biocollections.

Program/Area Summary

GGI Gardens is an international partnership of botanical gardens and arboreta focused on collecting herbarium vouchers from living collections and preserving their genome resources in GGBN-partnered biorepositories. GGI Gardens is generating a vast, accessible, and well-managed collection of genome resources. If you or your institution is interested in joining GGI Gardens, please don’t hesitate to email GGI-Gardens Director, Dr. Morgan Gostel at

GGI-Gardens Partners

As of March 2025, the Global Genome Initiative for Gardens (GGI-Gardens) is composed of 54 partners across six continents.