*Last entry is an hour before closing


*Last entry is an hour before closing


The monarch butterfly is known as the “Ambassador of the Americas” for its amazing multi-generational migration across Canada, the US, and Mexico.  Texas plays two important roles: in the fall, millions of monarchs pass through Texas on their way to their overwintering habitat in Mexico, and in the spring, the returning butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed here to create the next generation. Successive generations expand the butterfly population up into Canada.  Support the migration by planting milkweed and spring and fall nectar flowers!

Monarch News

Monarchs are returning to our area, looking for flowers to drink nectar from and for milkweed to lay eggs on.  In a few days, the eggs will hatch into hungry caterpillars! This first generation will fly further north to lay their eggs. 

The City Council-of Fort Worth has proclaimed October 6th to be Monarch Butterfly Day. To view the proclamation click here.

Need some suggestions on plants or more information about monarchs?

Tips for a butterfly and pollinator garden

  1. Choose a sunny location. Find a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sun daily.  Butterflies like to bask in the sun.
  2. Consider the plant layout. Tall flowers should go in the back (for a round bed, in the middle), followed by medium plants, then short plants in front. Group like plants together for a greater color impact.
  3. Create a shelter.  Place plants close together to protect butterflies from predators and adverse weather.
  4. Offer nectar spring, summer, and fall. Provide 4-6 flower types with sequential bloom.
  5. Become a citizen scientist. Share your observations with iNaturalist, Monarch Watch, and Journey North