The Prairie Research Program (PReP) includes projects related to natural resource management, ecology, native vegetation, and stewardship of prairie and rangeland habitats. We collaborate with landowners to investigate plant biodiversity metrics, often associated with disturbance events (past and present).
Each of these projects involves plant identification, vegetation surveys, documentation and monitoring, and data collection in the field, as well as organization and analysis of data. Some of the projects also include an educational and outreach component involving collaborating organizations and individuals. Students who would like to volunteer with the program—including those majoring in Natural Resource Management, Rangeland Ecology and Management, or a similar curriculum or those broadly interested in field botany— should contact Dr. Brooke Best.
Current Prairie projects:
Biodiversity Assessment: All Saints’ Episcopal School
Native Tallgrass Prairie Remediation: Private Ranch
Living Laboratories: Private Ranch
Rolling Plains Rangeland Restoration: Wind Farm