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*Last entry is an hour before closing

Tis the Season for Dehydration: Watering During a Heatwave

It’s officially summer time in Texas, meaning every day brings hotter and hotter temperatures. But humans aren’t the only ones who suffer in the heat—our plants feel it, too. The good news: it’s not hard to create a garden that is water efficient.

Managing Your Garden Through Heat and Drought

Water sprinkler on summer day

Gardeners across North Texas can only look at their landscape and sigh as the heat wave refuses to break and rain refuses to fall. Plants that thrive most summers are withering and dying under the stress of week after week of 100-degree-plus temperatures. Gardeners struggle to balance watering enough to keep their plants alive with responsible behavior during a drought–and the prospect of budget-busting water bills. What to do? “The first step is to not give up,” says Sr. Horticulturist Steve Huddleston. “You do have options.”