*Last entry is an hour before closing


*Last entry is an hour before closing

Summer Sip and Shop

The Fort Worth Botanic Garden invites guests to a Summer Sip and Shop vendor market in the Garden on Sunday, June 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Celebrate Butterflies in the Garden as a Family with these At-Home Activities

Green and black butterfly resting on a child's finger

Children find butterflies magical. The fluttering wings and brilliant colors bewitch kids of all ages—and adults are hardly immune! If your family plans a trip to see the butterflies this spring, make the experience last and add a little STEM learning to the fun with activities from our education staff.

Evolutionary origins and species diversity in the wild blueberries (tribe Vaccinieae)

Evolutionary origins and species diversity in the wild blueberries (tribe Vaccinieae) A (Virtual) Research Seminar by Dr. Peter Fritsch Please join Dr. Peter Fritsch as he discusses his past work and future investigations on Vaccinieae. This 1-hour seminar includes a presentation followed by a Q&A session. Dr. Fritsch is Vice President of Research and Director […]

Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium: A Past and Future Hub for Louisiana Botany

A Virtual Lunchtime Lecture by Dr. Laura Lagomarsino and Jennifer Kluse The Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University recently doubled in size with the integration of several regional herbaria, including a repatriation set from BRIT of the University of Louisiana Monroe Herbarium (NLU).  Speakers will give an overview of the collection and discuss its support of […]

Permian Texas: Exploring an ancient tropical landscape

“Permian Texas: Exploring an ancient tropical landscape” A (Virtual) Lunchtime Lecture by Dr. Rebecca Koll Join Dr. Rebecca Koll as she discusses her research on the structure of deep time landscapes using mostly plants and sometimes insects, fire, and climate. Dr. Koll is a Paleozoic paleobiologist and a National Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow at Perot Museum of Nature […]

Sean Kenney’s Nature Connects Made with LEGO® Bricks

Sean Kenney’s Nature Connects Made with LEGO® Bricks, an award-winning and record-breaking exhibition that uses beautiful works of art made from simple toy blocks to explore animal endangerment, the balance of ecosystems, and humanity’s relationship with nature is coming to the Fort Worth Botanic Garden | Botanical Research Institute of Texas (FWBG|BRIT) from May 6 through Aug. 1, 2021.

Spring Market in the Garden

The Fort Worth Botanic Garden | Botanical Research Institute of Texas (FWBG|BRIT) invites visitors to the annual “Spring Market in the Garden” on Saturday, May 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.