Journey to the Jurassic When You Explore the World of Ferns
When dinosaurs first walked the earth, non-flowering plants dominated the planet. That means if you want to picture dinosaurs in their natural habitat, you need to imagine lots and lots of ferns.
Photoperiodism, Promotion, and Poinsettias: The Botanical History of a Holiday Favorite
The poinsettia is a quintessential part of typical holiday decor. It’s a plant with a curious history that stretches from the Aztecs to a pioneering American diplomat and a family of plant-savvy Californians. Learn all about the holiday favorite, poinsettia.
So Why Do Trees Lose Their Leaves? There’s More Going On than You Might Expect
It’s a fact so obvious that we named an entire season after it: fall leaves fall from trees. But what’s going on within the plant during that process? A lot more than you might think.